Have you got a primary school-aged child who’s desperate to learn an instrument? Then you’ll be very interested to know that the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music runs entry-level school band programs at schools right across NSW! These are absolutely fantastic because:

+ Children will get to learn an instrument of their choice, alongside their peers while at school and during school hours (with the exception of band rehearsals which are usually held before school). Not sure which band instrument would best suit your child? Check out these helpful demonstration videos which outline the specifics about each band instrument.
+ They’ll get to work with experienced specialist teachers and conductors from the Conservatorium with the opportunity to move to private lessons later if they choose.
+ They’ll be taught the fundamentals of how to play their instrument and how to read music, getting them ready for joining their school’s concert band.
+ They’ll have the option to purchase OR hire their musical instrument.
+ The program is an excellent, affordable way to introduce your child to the world of music and hopefully ignite a lifelong passion!

Where: At your child’s school.
Who: Children generally join the program in Year 3, although older students are also welcome.

Early bird discounts are available but will expire on Friday 17 December 2021 so get in quick!

School Band Program Information Sessions

If you think your child’s school may be interested in signing up for this exciting program, the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music will be hosting some FREE information sessions for parents and schools where they can get a real feel for the program and their teachers. 

Zoom sessions will be held on:

  • Monday 22nd Nov – 7:30pm
  • Tuesday 23rd Nov – 7:30pm
  • Wednesday 24th Nov – 7:30pm

You can attend any one of these sessions by logging in using the details below:

The zoom link for these sessions is here: https://zoom.us/j/4350067882?pwd=ZGRjQ29VRVNnbXFEL3NOcHlOYzROZz09
Meeting ID: 435 006 7882
Passcode: 595953

Header Image: Central Coast Conservatorium of Music